Sorry, you have specified an illegal row or column position. Warning, the Y2 axis tick interval cannot be 0. Warning, the X2 axis tick interval cannot be 0. Warning, the Y axis tick interval cannot be 0. Warning, the X axis tick interval cannot be 0. Warning, some of the selected objects could not be grouped. Sorry, this style file has an unknown version number. Unknown clipboard format! This file does not contain Postscript! The window position must have a value greater than 0. Sorry, too many curve fits. Sorry, it is not possible to link text axes by formula. Warning, no formula has been defined! Sorry, an error occured while calculating the column statistics. Sorry, unable to match the requested Macro Name. Sorry, the Execute command can only load text files. Error, bad file path. Warning, the clipboard contains too much data for this label. Some of the data will be lost. Error in macro processing!! Sorry, the selected data window does not have enough columns to run this script. Error, this formula is nested too deeply. Sorry, unable to open this file. Sorry, this type of file cannot be printed from the Finder. Sorry, Text plots cannot be used as templates. Missing or Masked data values are not allowed in the Table Function! Sorry, you cannot fit a curve when you haven't selected any data. Attempt to jump to an undefined Label Unable to open more Plot Windows. This data must be sorted first! Unknown file version number. Resetting the default values. Overwrote the style header file! Too many working directories!! This plot requires two variables. Please select a "Y". This plot requires an independent variable. Please select an "X". Too many data windows selected for plotting! Only 20 variables may be selected for plotting at one time. Please select variables for both Y and Marker. Please select variables for both Y1 and Y2. Syntax error in cmd: Min = Max = 0! Min greater than Max! Text data columns cannot be plotted in a histogram, box plot, percentile plot, probability plot or polar plot. Only one text data column may be plotted at a time. Text data columns can only be used as the independent plot variable!